Another busy weekend for us last weekend as we had our usual, fortnightly jumping lesson with David Pearson-Smith and Milli jumped brilliantly, We did some tricky lines / distances to really make her think and she found it great fun! She just keeps amazing us with her ability, so much so that in our final jump round before our lesson ended, as I made the turn back to a very big double of uprights I asked her to do a flying chance, Milli squeaked, bucked and continues dis-united to the double. Two strides away she finally decided she should concentrate, changed so she was on the same lead and popped through the two strided double with ease, making it feel like it was 95 cm when in actual fact it was 1.35/1.40m!!!!! David finished the lesson by trying his best to persuade me to concentrate on pure show jumping with her as she has so much to offer! The next day (Sunday) we were out at a dressage competition and we had very late start times with my first test being at 3.52pm. The late start was quite nice as I could get plenty done at home plus the weather was lovely, well beautiful sunshine until I got on to do my first test when the clouds started to come over. First I was in Prelim 18 on mum's mare, Foxborough Star, aka 'big' Milli. She performed a lovely test for me and we scored 69%, just missing out on a placing as I went wrong twice......It's a long time since I've had to remember 3 different tests but thankfully this was the only time I went wrong that day! Now the grey clouds had turned to rain and I still had three tests to ride!!! With 'big' Milli I also did the Novice 24 which was a bit of a gamble as I hardly ride the mare at home and it was only when I was warming up I asked mum what was her medium trot was like, mum's response, was 'no idea, she's not done any before!' With this in mind I decided to play carefully as i didn't want to ask too much and her to run off across or even out of the arena!! Despite this being her first Novice test and first time ever doing some of the more advanced movements, she performed a super test to score 68% which resulted in us finishing in 4th place in an arena of 15+ competitiors so we were chuffed!! (For more pictures of 'big' Milli and a video of our test please Click Here) Milli was also out for a party and this was her first time back competing in a dressage arena since Chilham Horse Trials back in August last year! We did two Novice test, 24 and 30. After Milli working so well at home recently I was very excited to see how she did and as always Milli never disappoints. Despite the stormy wind and rain in the warm up, which resulted in us being absolutely soaking wet and freezing cold, she performed two brilliant tests to win both classes with 73.27% and 72.69%. I was chuffed to bits as although it was unaffiliated dressage I was amazed at the standard of combinations there with lots of very nice tests being performed throughout the day! Milli also gained some super marks and comments from the judges which was nice, even for her medium trot which has suddenly developed from a run / waddle across the arena to actually getting comments like 'promising steps shown with more to come'. I'm getting very excited about the forthcoming season with her as she's working so well both on the flat and jumping.....roll on our first event! (For more pictures of Milli strutting her stuff and to see a video of our tests please Click Here)
Another bit of exciting news is I've brought myself a 3.5t all I need is for it to be converted by my lovely boyfriend and his dad. I can't wait to get out and about in it when it's finished....I will keep you updated as the conversion takes place :-) Until next time, SG Eventing X ***Keep Calm & Canter On*** ***Eventing 2015***
WOW, what a busy weekend we had, with competitions and training sessions! Unfortunately I'm not feeling so good now though! I've been suffering from what feels like a tooth infection and after two trips to the emergency dentist at Kent and Canterbury Hospital it is clear that one of my wisdom teeth is irritating an ulcer and the first lot of antibiotics didn't agree with me so after a few days on my second lot of antibiotics I started to feel a lot better, however this was short lasting as I've now the onset of tonsillitis so with a very sore throat and back on a liquid diet of soups and shakes, I'm writing this blog tucked up under a duvet watching tele!!! One of the benefits of being outside with the horses is I hardly suffer from colds and coughs, however when I do get ill, it really does effect me!! Anyway, back to our busy weekend and I had a day off work last Friday to go to Blue Barn Equestrian Centre for one of their indoor XC competitions. I was very looking forward to this as they had some bigger classes which were ideal for Milli to jump in and as it was a school day there wasn't masses of people there which was nice, plus I persuaded mumto take 'big' Milli and I got the ride as Charlotte and Sophie were at school!!
We went on to do the 90cm and we had an unlucky 4 faults in this one, it was a bit of first-fence-itus I think as she jumped the rest of the round super after having the first fence down. She clearly hadn't noticed it had gone up to 90cm!! We also did the 1m class on her which was by far the biggest she has jumped out in competition so we had a few down which were just baby / green mistakes but she jumped very confidently which is what is most important! Hopefully I might be able to pinch the ride off my sister for the odd event this season........!
I then put a pair of my 'brave' jods on and we did the 1.20m class, this is the biggest we have ever jumped out competing together and knowing that she's a home-bred horse who I have produced myself really made it special! She jumped really well, we did have two down, one she didn't quite jump big enough and the other was the last fence and her stomach / studguard caught the pole! Although she felt a bit tired she jumped a super round for me and we finished in 2nd place!! Overall a great day out with both Milli's jumping very well. For more pictures and a video of 'big' Milli's rounds please Click Here and for more Pictures and videos of Millis round Click Here.
SG Eventing
X ***Keep Calm & Canter On*** ***Eventing 2015*** |
You'll find regular updates on this page with all the very latest news on everything that we have been up too!
January 2020