Yep, despite the many bucks, bronks and sideways jumps Milli did, whilst squeaking away to herself as only Milli does, I managed to stay on! To say Milli was pleased to be back out would have been a slight understatement I think! She was very fresh and excited and when we were told to warm up 'as we normally do'.......Milli danced around the arena performing all sorts of acrobatic moves which I'm sure looked wonderful, or she though they did anyway, but thankfully with my trustee neckstrap kept me in place! Once the excitement had worn off Milli behaved very well and it showed how a bit of time off has obviously done her the world of good as she has never been very good in group lessons or warm up arenas do to limited and tight space but she didn't seem to mind! She remained very focused throughout the lesson, even when it wasn't her turn she watched all the others jumped with her ears remaining pricked at all times! Here are a few pictures from our lesson, sorry they're a bit blurry bit we were indoors and camera isn't as good indoors! Please 'Click Here' to be taken to Milli's Training 2014 Gallery page where there are some more pics and a short video..... SG Eventing
X ***Keep Calm & Canter On***
Although the weather wasn't too great this weekend it didn't really spoil any plans we had for my birthday other than us getting rather damp when we out Saturday night as every time we went to a different pub it started raining, then stopped when we went back inside!! Typical English weather! It was nice to be riding Milli in the daylight for a change both Saturday and Sunday! Saturday morning I undertook the mammoth job of clipping her which I have to admit is not one my favourite jobs that's for sure, but luckily Milli is quite well behaved as it is a bit like being scratched and we all know how much she LOVES a nice scratch!! After clipping I always like to give them a wash off with some warm water which has vinegar in's is great for giving them a nice shiny coat after clipping and gets rid of all the clipping oils from the clippers which so many horses can have a reaction too. After washing her off Milli had a big strop that I'd taken all her hair off and then made her wet!! It wasn't even that cold on Saturday and the water I used was warm but it just wasn't good enough apparently so she started bucking and squeaking whilst I was tryung to out her rug on when she was tied up on the yard!!! I then put her in the stable and she continued to buck and squeak whilst running around the stable, stopping for the odd mouthful of hay....typical Milli. It was after seeing this acrobatic display I said to mum that I think I would be better lunging her as opposed to riding her.....Didn't really want to spend my birthday sore or even worse! After some thought I decided to ride her instead of lunging her and she actually behaved quite well, that is after the initial explosion several times around the arena because everything was 'so much scarier than normal now my hair has all been clipped' as far as Milli was concerned. She did go on to behave and work very nicely :-) On Sunday I decided to give her a jump and although we behaved better initially, the jumping was the most exciting thing we've ever done apparently! On landing sides of the jumps there was many bucks, kicks and trustee neck strap looked after me thankfully! There are some pictures attached of her both on the flat and jumping... I have a lesson on Tuesday evening at Saddlesdane with the British Showjumping academy which I'm really looking forward to but slightly anxious as to how well Milli is going to behave back out in public for the first time......The blog after the lesson I feel is going to be a very interesting one to read! So remember to check back!!
I will let you know how it all goes after Tuesdays lesson later in the week and will hopefully have some lovely pictures of us jumping for you too look through :-)
So, until next time, SG Eventing X ***Keep Calm & Canter On*** Sorry for not writing any Blogs over the last few weeks, there's been lots going on, and for once not horse related madness!!
I hope you all had a good weekend and enjoyed the sunshine before the rain hit today.....isn't it horrible?! It's chucking it down here and very windy so duvet day for the horses I think! Roxie refused to step out of her stable this morning so I had to muck out around her! I have to admit on days like this I'm glad to be working in the office, as much as I love my teaching, I can't say I'd want to be standing out in the rain today that's for sure! The horses are all going very well, Roxie is continuing her amazing recovery and although at times she's not 100% on her knee, she is continuing to makes improvements on a regular basis so fingers crossed this continues. She has found the muddy and slippery ground a bit difficult but she getting the hang of it know, not that it stopped her running and jumping round the field like a mad horse!!! Milli is feeling great and I even treated her to her first jump after her break yesterday, and despite all the acrobatics she performed I survived, just! My trustee neck strap worked wonders!! 😀 She thoroughly enjoyed being back in her jump saddle and jumping even if the fences did try to 'eat' her as she thought on our first approach to the was rather windy and as we approached our first fence, I saw a great stride, sat quiet and waited for the fence to come to us and then on the stride before take off the fence blew down so Milli did a very abrupt 'about turn' to save herself from the killer wing, which very nearly deposited me on to the floor!! The jump was put back up and once Milli realised it wasn't going to attack her again she jumped really well, even if she did find our newly painted jumps a bit scary! I am hoping to get a few jump lesson in over the next few weeks with Milli which will be great......I can't wait to get back out competing again and I can sense Milli feels the same! Unfortunately I didn't have my phone in the school so we were unable to get any pictures or video clips......probably for the better anyway!! I do think the pictures below do show remarkably good comparison to how it felt.....Haha I will keep you all posted with any plans we have coming up and how are training sessions are going as well so don't forget to check back to have a look....... :) Until next time, SG Eventing X ***Keep Calm & Canter On*** |
You'll find regular updates on this page with all the very latest news on everything that we have been up too!
January 2020