Just to give you all a quick results update as we were back out competing with Roxie and Milli last Wednesday. It was there first outing since having time off at the end of the event season and despite being very excited they both behaved really well! ![]() On arrival I got on Roxie and did some work long and low to warm her up and then took her back to the box and got on Milli. We were warming up in the outside arena and doing our test inside so I was expecting Milli to call inside and perhaps loose her concentration at times but she didn't. She was very well behaved and performed a lovely test. There are obviously areas to improve on but at the end of the day she is only 4 years old and still in the early stages of her competitive life. I was even more pleased when my mum told me that Milli scored a very good 71.2% and had won her class!! ![]() Then it was Roxie's turn to do her test and she was working very well in the warm up.....riding her around a bit then putting her back in the trailer obviously helps her chill out a bit! She went in and performed a great test and scored a fantastic 75.7% and she too won her class! Roxie then jogged sideways back to the trailer and was very disappointed to be loaded up to go home, she was ready for the SJ and XC! Bless her :) Then it was Roxie's turn to do her test and she was working very well in the warm up.....riding her around a bit then putting her back in the trailer obviously helps her chill out a bit! She went in and performed a great test and scored a fantastic 75.7% and
she too won her class! Roxie then jogged sideways back to the trailer and was very disappointed to be loaded up to go home, she was ready for the SJ and XC! Bless her :) Goes to show time off to chill out does them both good and fingers crossed these results will continue as we now step up the training to start preparing for the 2013 season! We are next out on the 25th November for more dressage and then 1st December for a combined training. As some of you may have seen the time has come and unfortunately Emily is now advertised for sale! I would really love to keep her as she is so much fun to ride :) A really top quality horse for the future who is so easy to do and have around, check out her ad and let me know what you think..... http://classified.pcuk.org/details/talented-first-horse-perfect-mother-daughter-share/ So, until next time, SGEventing X Keep Calm & Canter On
It was my birthday last Friday and I had a great time. Celebrations started on Thursday afternoon on a shoppig trip and dinner out. Then work as usual on Friday but when you love work as much as I do you don't mind, well I got to play horseys in the sun :) Friday evening my brother treated Jade, Max and I to dinner at a rather fancy restaurant in Canterbury followed by a many hours on the dance floor, and yes my feet still hurt now!!
I was very lucky to get many great presents for my birthday including tickets to the Express Eventing next saturday, some lovely Tottie and Superdry clothes as well as a trailer training session and my trailer test which is booked for a few weeks time!!! I don't want to say when but keep checking for news on how I get on, fingers crossed it will be good news :) I had a training session this morning and found everything pretty easy and thankfully I haven't picked up many bad habits since passing my test a few years ago! The instructor made me do the revesing exercise twice as first time was 'pretty damn perfect' and he just wanted to check it wasn't a fluke!! Pleased to say second time roud was just as good so hopefuly I will be free to travel with the horseys anywhere we want to come December :) HUGE thank you to all my friends family and Max for such great presents!! So what's coming up this week: - We are out at a local Dressage competition with Roxie and Milli on Wednesday. - I am off to see a lovely mare tomorow who may become part of the SGEventing team. - I have lots of coaching sessions booked already but if anybody would like to book a coaching session with me or a riding sessions the please Contact Me and I will do my best to fit you in, plus all sessions at very competitive rates!! - Shopping, Shopping and more shoopping at the ExCel on Saturday when I head to HorseWorldLive with Nicky, Lottie and Faith.....Can't wait to see which team will win?!?! So, until next time, SGEventing X Keep Calm & Canter On I have been taking it steady in an attempt to get better and I gave in last week and went to the doctors for some serious drugs! Now I'm making a slow recovery but am very eager to get back to normal and begin to prepare for the next event season, especially now British Eventing have published the 2013 event calendar!!! Roxie and Milli are starting to come back into work now after time off and both are feeling very fresh! They've been hacking for the last two weeks and I schooled them for the first time yesterday and they both worked really well :) They have also been spoilt recently as I've brought them one dressage saddle and one jump saddle each! Anyway back to what's been happening recently..... ![]() We had a very busy weekend out competing both days with a range of horses and ponies. Let's start with Saturday and we were at Blue Barn Equestrian Centre for a dressage competition in the hope of qualifying for the Dressage Championships at Hickstead in May 2013. I was doing the Prelim 18 on my sisters cob, Mars (or Little Hot Toddie!) and other than when we he first came to us over a year ago I've only ridden him once....Friday, the day before! He's so much fun to ride and we did a cracking test scoring an amazing 76.25% which was the winning mark by quite a few %!!! I wasn't expecting to win at all, as after all he is only a cob and there were some very fancy warmbloods there and over 20 in the arena, but he performed a beautiful test! So nice that we are going to work on his dressage more at home and hopefully take him affiliated in the near future. Because of this win in Prelim 18 we have qualified for the Prelim Championships at Hickstead next year.....exciting :) My younger sister, Sophie and two of my Clients, Lottie and Faith were also doing the prelims and all gained great marks too! ![]() We were back to Blue Barn on Sunday, but this time for some SJ. I took Emily to jump in the 80cm class and she jumped a super double clear to finish in 6th place! Not bad considering she has had nearly two weeks off because I was away on holiday and then ill! Oh and I was so pleased with how she behaved, especially as I clipped her Sunday morning before we went. It was the first ever time she's been clipped and she was so good and didn't even flinch! I LOVE that pony! Both my sisters were there SJ on Toddie (Mars) and Tiffany, as well as one of my Clients, Lottie. They picked up many top placings between them all and a HUGE well done to Lottie who WON the Pony Club Dengie Qualifier and Charlotte was second on Mars, qualifying them both for the second rounds next year! Todd (Mars) is such a super horse, qualifies for Hickstead Dressage Championships one day, then the Pony Club Dengie SJ the next and next weekend he will be off out with our local hunt! Lots going on over the next few weeks so keep checking back to see what's happened as well as what is planned! Next outing will be Roxie and Milli to a local dressage show then they will be out SJ preparing for the 2013 event season!
Before all that though we have a very busy weekend coming up.....BIRTHDAY WEEKEND! Starting tomorrow with a shopping trip to get some new clothes ready for my birthday meal at a rather fancy restaurant courtesy of my brother :) Can't wait!! SGEventing X Keep Calm & Canter On |
You'll find regular updates on this page with all the very latest news on everything that we have been up too!
January 2020