We had a very busy 'training' weekend last weekend with a dressage lesson on Saturday and then we joined in on a XC clinic with Italian Olympic rider Vittoria Panizzon on Sunday. On Saturday we had a dressage lesson with a trainer very local to us, a lady called Mary Coleman. She has got a fantastic school with plenty of mirrors which I find very useful indeed although to start with Diaz kept making herself jump as there was suddenly a horse next to her when we went past the mirrors!! Diaz did some lovely work for me and her flatwork is finally all starting to fall into place! We did some work on her medium trot strides as well as quite a bit of transition work to get her to engage her hind quarters properly and use herself. For more pictures from our lesson and to watch some video clips please Click Here! After a good nights sleep for Diaz and I we were soon on our way to Littleton Manor Equestrian Centre on Sunday to join in on a clinic held by Italian rider Vittoria Pannizon. The nearer we got the Littleton the more excited I became, after all it has been almost 5 months since I was out on a XC track!! On arrival it became clear that Diaz was as excited as I was about it all! We started warming up and Diaz felt great, it took her a while to get used to the ground as it was, as expected, a little deep in places due to the weather that we have had recently! Luckily the ground at Littleton is quite sandy so although deep in places it wasn't too holding on the horses which was good! We started of with some simple fences which worked well as Diaz was slightly hesitant to begin with but she soon transformed into a XC machine, taking on what ever I put in front of her and the bigger / more complex the fences got the better she jumped! We finished off jumping some BE100 / Novice sized fences, decent sized drop fences to skinnies, and steps in and out of the water! To view more pictures from the XC clinic as well as a video please Click Here! After two positive training sessions, BE membership sorted and with entries for our first event now done I have to say I'm getting very excited for the season ahead with Diaz and can't wait for the events to start!
With my other two girls, Roxie has been enjoying lots of hacking recently to help build up muscle and fitness as our sand school gets a bit deep and boggy this time of year - with Roxie and her new princess ways she's not overly keen on getting wet and muddy! I'm hoping to get Roxie out to some dressage competitions in the very near future. Milli is now to start work again, although I haven't yet sat on her due to her clearly forgetting everything she has done under saddle for the last 4 years; after 3 months box rest she has turned into an un-backed 3 year old! The walk work she has been doing isn't quite as exciting as it was last weekend so hopefully we will keep at least one hoof on the ground this time, or is that just wishful thinking....?!? Until next time, SG Equestrian X ***Keep Calm & Canter On***
We were out last weekend with Diaz for a British Showjumping competition held at Blue Barn Equestrian Centre. Unfortunately we haven't got round to registering Diaz with British Showjumping yet so we were competing HC on a ticket again. We did the British Novice and Discovery classes and she jumped two double clears with super speedy times in the jump off. Had we been registered we would have won the British Novice by a few seconds and when we left our time was the fastest in the Discovery by a fair margin as well and I believe we stayed the fasted in that class too so would have won this one too! Must get round to sorting out our membership so we don't miss out on prize money next time! Please Click Here to view some pictures of Diaz as well as a video of both our rounds! We have a weekend off from competitions this weekend as my little lorry (Fiona the Ford) needs some work done before she can be MOT'd so my boyfriends dad is getting what's needed to be done, done over the end of this week. Fiona (guys name their cars so why can't we name our lorries?!? hahaha) is having a bit of TLC so she's fully functioning and ready for the many miles that we will hopefully cover this year. We are hoping to have some dressage training on Saturday which my mum has very kindly offered me a lift to in the trailer, but that will be a bit weather dependent so keeping our fingers and toes crossed that we don't get as much rain as they have forecast for us!! If we do have a lesson I will hopefully have some pictures and maybe some video clips next week sometime. Until next time,
SG Equestrian X ***Keep Calm & Canter On*** I hope you are well and having a good start to the year?! I can't believe it is February already.....how time flies and all that! Just a quick update after we have had a few weeks quiet on the competition front but have been very busy training ready for the season ahead! The last two weekends I have had SJ Lessons with Diaz and she has been jumping brilliantly. We have been doing some gymnastic exercises with her to help her technique over the fence and then jumping some bigger fences on related distances which just shows how much the gymnastic exercises are helping her develop! She has a very careful jump anyway with a great back end on her so we have been working on her developing more muscle on her shoulders and front end which is really helping her! We are hoping to go out this weekend, either to a combined training show or a BS show! To view more pictures and videos from these training sessions please Click Here! Roxie has had a quiet start to the year with there being so little daylight hours outside of my 9-5 work hours and our lights not working properly in our school at home I've been finding it hard to ride much during the week which has been a pain but there is light at the end of the tunnel now! I managed to get both Roxie and Diaz ridden before work today which was a first.......roll summer!! I have a few dressage competition planned for Roxie over the next few months and there are some summer show series that I am planning to do with her, with the hope of qualifying for the championships at the end of the summer. Roxie does seem to prefer competing outdoors and concentrates on me a lot more then as well without getting too tense. Milli is coming towards the end of her box rest and after having her feet trimmed on Friday she is allowed to start doing some walk work and gradually build up her work level slowly. Although I can't wait to get back on her and get her out doing what she loves most I will have to make sure I have my much needed neck strap on when I do get on as she is feeling very well in herself and rather fresh.....she comes out of the stable for me to muck out doing the odd little buck and just squeaks to herself!! Fingers crossed it isn't a you've been framed moment!! As always I will keep you updated with all the goings on as we've got lots to look forward to this year and I can't wait to get going! SG Equestrian
X ***Keep Calm & Canter On*** |
You'll find regular updates on this page with all the very latest news on everything that we have been up too!
January 2020